All Saints Shooters Hill means a great deal to me. I was converted under the ministry of Billy Graham in 1966 and the present curate, Rev Hewitt visited me and encouraged me to go to All Saints. I met some wonderful friends there too who also encouraged me. I thank God particularly for Rev Hewitt’s help and that of his daughter Liz and her husband Dave who helped me in bible teaching. Also I thank God for Lillian and Bill Sentence who still encourage us and pray for us to this day. I thank God too for the minister the Rev Christopher Brown who ministered the word of God faithfully week by week which was also such a help to me in those days.
God led me into helping young people at the church and I learnt so much from them in those days.
Today I am still working with young people teaching the bible truths and reaching out to non Christians. I thank God for so many dear friends, I am sorry I cannot name them all, who prayed for me and were so patient with me as a young Christian. I am enclosing a picture of our wedding at All Saints in 1970. May the Lord continue to use you all and abundantly bless you all.
With our love from Pat and Bill Turner
(folk would remember me as Pat Rimington)
God led me into helping young people at the church and I learnt so much from them in those days.
Today I am still working with young people teaching the bible truths and reaching out to non Christians. I thank God for so many dear friends, I am sorry I cannot name them all, who prayed for me and were so patient with me as a young Christian. I am enclosing a picture of our wedding at All Saints in 1970. May the Lord continue to use you all and abundantly bless you all.
With our love from Pat and Bill Turner
(folk would remember me as Pat Rimington)
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