Thursday, 5 July 2007

50th anniversary message from Helen LovattSmith

Hello there Harry

We hope you and your family are well. I'm afraid none of the LovattSmith, Webster, Morgan clan will be attending the 50th celebrations, but we hope it all goes well and is well attended. I'm sure it will be a good bash!

I think Dad would prefer people to remember him as he was rather than meet them all again as he is now - a shame, but you know what a proud man he is! Also it is quite an effort for him to speak for long periods. However he asks to be remembered to everyone, and he does think about the old times a lot. He is actually doing very well healthwise,despite his limitations, and he is enjoying watching his grandchildren grow up, (except when Adam changes the tele channel at an exciting part of a sporting event!!!)

We all have very fond memories of All Saints church. I am still very happy that we were able to get married there, as it added a lot to our "big day!" I also remember the lovely Memorial service you gave for Mum. These are such important milestones for the church to have been involved in and I will remember them for the rest of my life.

Best wishes for the celebrations

7 Feb 2006

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