Thursday, 5 July 2007

50th anniversary: Angela Burton

[Angela Burton's photos can be found on]
Dear Mr. Owen,
Thank you for your letter. I am sorry we can't join you on 19th February but am pleased that you are celebrating the 50 years since All Saints' Church was re-built. I am sending by post some photos that I hope might be of use, but I am sorry they are not very good.
I expect you will be wary of picking out too many people to mention by name but I wonder if you could find time for a brief tribute of remembrance of John and Doris Brown.
I was introduced to John and Doris Brown and the Children's Church by my friend Rosemary Smith. It was in the Children's Church that I understood the Gospel and believed in the Lord Jesus as my Saviour. There were doubtless many others and my immediate circle of friends from that time are all going on with the Lord: Pat Semple (nee Phillips); Valerie Akhurst (nee Pearcey) and Rosemary Barnard (nee Smith) who sadly died earlier this year of a brain tumour. The Browns always had open house and as we reached teens they organised "squashes" in their lounge (with Ribena to drink - what a treat!). If we needed to talk, they were always available with a word of wisdom and I'm sure much prayer, especially if we looked like going off the rails. I'm sure I speak for many in remembering them with gratitude to God for such faithful servants.
Yours sincerely in Christ
Angela Burton

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